Brian’s Brain: Lying or False Memory?


Brian’s Brain: Lying or False Memory?

NBC News anchor Brian Williams and Fox’s Bill O’Reilly have both recently been caught telling “less-than-accurate” reports from war zones that, co-incidentally, made their own status in the stories seem greater than it was. Were they simply lying? Or could this be a very public example of what human beings do more often that they think they do… a gradual …

Sudden Belief Change

COACHES CORNER: Stories you can use. Meaningful, metaphorical stories can be golden for a working coach. Today’s story comes from Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” I’ve used this story effectively when working with clients who have anger management issues. It was a Sunday morning on a subway in New York. People were sitting quietly — some reading …

More on True (or false) stories. What’s best?

Someone wrote to me recently regarding the question I blogged about in October:  “True or False? When telling a good story, does it matter? This person asked me, “What’s the best story – real or made up?” This is a great question. Many people tell stories for therapeutic or inspirational effect. Ministers, motivational speakers, TED talkers, therapists… all are attempting …

True or False? When telling a good story, does it matter?

True or False? When telling a good story, does it matter? There is a debate among some in the NLP/hypnosis community concerning the question of veracity in your story telling. Some people feel that the only thing that matters is effectively getting the message across to the listener, so the storyteller may play fast and loose with the facts, even …

A Tale of Perseverance: “The Old Alchemist”

“The Old Alchemist” by Allan B. Chinen, (Copyright © Once upon a time, there lived an old man with his beautiful daughter. She fell in love with a handsome lad, and the two married with the old man’s blessing. The young couple led a happy life, except for one problem: the husband spent his time working on alchemy, dreaming …

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